Chief Scientific Investigator – Sue Rogers

scientist-clipart-girl-scientist-with-wormSue is an Intermediate school teacher who has always had a passion for science and technology with a love for teaching inquisitive minds on how things work.  Sue helped lead to the creation of ‘The Flash Bang Science Club” and she is our Chief Scientific Investigator. “We noticed that there wasn’t an outlet for scientific and curious children to join with like-minded souls. So we decided to create the perfect place for these young Einstein’s to come together to experiment and learn the wonders of science”


Scientific Investigator – Niamh McNeilage

Niamh is a passionate young New Zealander who resides in the Franklin region who loves art and science. Niamh is super popular with our students and creates a fun environment to encourage lots of learning and hands on practice. As well as our term and holiday classes Niamh also shares her science knowledge with external holiday programmes all around the Auckland region. Niamh tutors in the South Auckland area.


Scientific Investigator – :Lewis Lamont

Lewis is a keen investigator with a strong passion for knowing how our world works around us. Lewis loves Science and engaging in new experiments with students, and aims to engage students and share the passion he has for science. Lewis is currently studying teaching in Auckland. Lewis operates around Auckland, Franklin and South Auckland region.